Stop Global Censorship
Empowering free speech and accountability in the face of unprecedented global censorship efforts.
Restore Dr. Yeadon To The Public Square - Now!
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Dr. Mike Yeadon Silver Bullet Video Dr. Yeadon Uncensored & Uncontrollable Opposition EXPOSING Global Criminal Intent To Harm W/Intro & Laws Sign the Petition Add your voice to the growing movement demanding an end to global censorship and the restoration of free speech. Share with Others Spread awareness and encourage your friends, family, and community to join the fight against censorship. Stay Informed Follow the latest updates and developments in the campaign to protect human rights and hold institutions accountable. OUR LEGAL EFFORTS & WORK: Nuremberg Hearing-Sue The WHO Explainer W/ IoJ, Dr Yeadon, Sasha Latypova, Dr. Janci Lindsay,

Sign Global Demand to Un-censor Dr. Yeadon
Join the call for justice and demand that the silenced voices of whistleblowers like Dr. Yeadon be restored to the public square. Sign the petition to hold authorities accountable and secure restitution for those unjustly censored.
Dr. Yeadon's Whistleblower Revelations


Uncovering Dangers
Drawing from his experience as former Vice President and Chief Scientist at Pfizer, Dr. Yeadon has exposed serious concerns about COVID-19 vaccine safety and efficacy.


Suppressed Truths
Despite his credible expertise, Dr. Yeadon faces systematic censorship as his findings challenge official COVID-19 narratives.


Demand Accountability
Sign our petition to reinstate Dr. Yeadon and protect scientific discourse. Together we can demand transparency from institutions that suppress vital public health information.
Support Dr. Yeadon & Free Speech: Stop Global Censorship
Sign to Reinstate & Liberate Dr. Yeadon
End WHO & Member States Public-Private Censorship of Dr. Yeadon
Sign to join thousands demanding that those responsible for global censorship reinstate Dr. Michael Yeadon. He must be allowed to share his expert analysis of COVID-19 vaccine safety without censorship or retaliation.
Protect Medical Freedom
Stand against the silencing of medical experts and demand accountability from the WHO and governments who have suppressed critical information about COVID-19 vaccine risks.
Demand Scientific Transparency
Add your voice to protect freedom of expression in medicine. Together we can ensure that qualified experts can speak openly about public health concerns without fear of censorship.
Stand against the silencing of Dr. Yeadon, a vaccine safety whistleblower censored by WHO. Your voice matters.
Unprecedented Attack on Liberty


Silenced Voices
Whistleblowers and investigative journalists are being censored and silenced worldwide.


Public Discourse at Risk
Global censorship efforts threaten the fundamental right to freely express ideas and opinions.


Accountability in Jeopardy
Censorship undermines the public's ability to access critical information and hold institutions accountable.
Stand Up for Transparency and Accountability
Raise Your Voice
Demand the WHO reinstate Dr. Yeadon and stop censoring vaccine safety concerns.
Sign the Petition
Join thousands demanding accountability from health organizations and governments.
Spread Awareness
Share this message with your network to strengthen our movement for change.
Seek the Truth
Question and examine the evidence about COVID-19 and vaccine safety claims.
Take Action to Defend Freedom of Expression
Sign the Petition
Join thousands demanding Dr. Yeadon's reinstatement and an end to WHO & Member States Public-Private censorship.
Share the Information
Spread Dr. Yeadon's whistleblower findings within your networks and community.
Engage in Activism
Contact your representatives and join local protests demanding WHO & Member States Public-Private accountability.
Stand with us to protect free speech and ensure medical transparency. Your voice matters in this fight for truth and civil liberties.
The Global UN Attack On Free Opinion Is Intolerable
We do not accept the UN-WEF-WHO public private partnerships misinformation programs as having any authority to limit our right to free opinion & participation in science, we demand to exercise our cultural rights!
Protecting Human Rights
Fundamental Liberties
Censorship and suppression of free speech undermine the basic human rights of individuals and communities worldwide.
Ethical Governance
Accountability and transparency in global decision-making processes are essential to safeguarding human rights.
Restitution for Harms
Those who have been silenced and unjustly treated deserve justice and restitution for the harms they have endured.
Empowering Civil Society
Grassroots movements and civil society organizations play a critical role in defending human rights and challenging censorship.
Exposing WHO's Global Misuse Of Products
Whistleblower Revelations
Courageous whistleblowers including Dr. Yeadon have come forward to expose misuse and abuse of the WHO's Emergency Use Listing (EUL) process. All have been shamed, blamed and defamed.
Scientific Misconduct
Allegations of scientific misconduct and suppression of critical information by WHO-affiliated scientists have surfaced. The evidence uncovered so far points to government abuse.
Lack of Transparency
The WHO's opaque decision-making and lack of independent oversight have eroded public trust. We aim to end WHO & Member States Public-Private global censorship attacks.
The Dangers of COVID Vaccines Confirmed


Increased Mortality Risks
Government data shows COVID-19 vaccines correlate with higher all-cause mortality rates, challenging official safety claims.


Potential for Antibody-Dependent Enhancement
Research indicates vaccinated individuals may face increased risk of severe illness through Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE).


Lack of Long-Term Safety Data
Accelerated vaccine deployment has created significant gaps in understanding long-term safety implications.


Misleading Efficacy Claims
Evidence suggests actual vaccine effectiveness rates are lower than publicly reported figures.
WHO and Governments Silence Truthful Concerns, Despite Knowing Better!
WHO's Complicity
Internal documents show the WHO & Member States Public-Private scheme have orchestrated efforts to discredit and silence Dr. Yeadon's revelations. This systematic suppression suggests a deliberate attempt to control the narrative about vaccine safety.
Government Censorship
Global governments have actively worked to censor Dr. Yeadon's findings. This coordinated suppression raises serious concerns about transparency and public trust in emergency policies.
Media Complicity
Mainstream media has systematically ignored or dismissed Dr. Yeadon's whistleblower claims, contributing to public misinformation about vaccine risks and safety concerns.
Calling for Accountability
Legal Initiative for Open Governments and Oversight
Civil society organizations are taking legal action with Interest of Justice to demand transparency, independent oversight, and accountability from global institutions responsible for pandemic response and policy decisions.
United Nations Global Principles For Information Integrity Recommendations for Multi-stakeholder Action - According to UN a truly free and open internet is a right. Read quotes from UN why censorship must be prevented.
“This erosion of the integrity of information spaces can undermine people’s ability to exercise human rights and can hamper efforts to achieve peace, prosperity and a livable future on our planet. In this way, the task of strengthening information integrity presents one of the most urgent challenges of our time….
Promoting information integrity involves empowering people to exercise their right to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds and to hold opinions without interference”
“A free press underpins the rule of law and serves as a cornerstone of democratic societies, enabling an informed civic discourse, holding power to account and protecting human rights. The press can be considered free wherever journalists and media workers—including women and those in vulnerable and marginalized situations—are consistently at liberty to report and operate safely and openly, and all individuals have consistent access to pluralistic and reliable sources of news.”
List of laws that allow Dr. Yeadon and other censored people to speak out:
  1. Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)
  • Article 19: Right to freedom of opinion and expression, including access to information.
  • Article 27: Right to participate in and benefit from scientific advancement.
  1. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)
  • Article 19: Right to freedom of expression and access to information.
  1. International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR)
  • Article 12: Right to the highest attainable standard of health and access to health information.
  1. UN Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC)
  • Mandates transparency and accountability, especially in governance.
  1. Siracusa Principles on the Limitation and Derogation Provisions in the ICCPR
  • Sets strict standards for limiting rights in public health, requiring necessity and proportionality.
  1. International Health Regulations (IHR) (2005)
  • Obligates countries to maintain transparency and accountability in health risk management.
  1. Nuremberg Code (1947)
  • Principle 3: Requires voluntary informed consent, prohibiting coercion in medical experimentation.
  1. Declaration of Helsinki (World Medical Association)
  • Establishes ethical principles for medical research, with a focus on informed consent and patient welfare.
  1. UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
  • Imposes responsibility on corporations to respect human rights, including those in health sectors.
  1. Council of Europe Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine (Oviedo Convention)
  • Protects individual rights in biology and medicine, emphasizing informed consent and personal dignity.
  1. European Union Charter of Fundamental Rights
  • Article 3: Right to physical and mental integrity in health care.
  • Article 35: Right to preventive health care and safety.
  1. UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC)
  • Article 24: Right of children to health and protection from harmful practices.
  1. UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)
  • Article 25: Right of persons with disabilities to informed consent and accessible health care.
  1. Declaration on the Right and Responsibility to Promote and Protect Universally Recognized Human Rights
  • Affirms the right to access and share information on human rights violations.
  1. Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC)
  • Defines and establishes accountability for crimes against humanity, including in health-related abuses.
  1. International Law Commission’s Draft Articles on State Responsibility
  • Holds states accountable for wrongful acts, including those that affect health policy and human rights.
  1. UNESCO Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights
  • Article 6: Establishes consent as essential in health interventions, with a focus on autonomy and transparency.
  1. Guidelines for Good Clinical Practice (ICH-GCP)
  • Sets international standards for ethical clinical trials, ensuring participant safety and data integrity.
  1. Geneva Conventions and Protocols
  • Prohibits unethical medical experimentation, especially in conflict situations.
  1. OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions
  • Sets anti-corruption standards that apply to global health governance.
  1. UN Special Rapporteur Reports on Health and Corruption
  • Identifies corruption as a barrier to health rights, urging transparency and public participation.
  1. International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD)
  • Article 5: Protects equal access to health and the right to participate in health decision-making.
  1. American Convention on Human Rights (ACHR)
  • Article 13: Protects freedom of expression and access to health information.
  1. African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights (Banjul Charter)
  • Article 16: Right to health and access to essential health information.
  1. International Declaration on Human Genetic Data (UNESCO)
  • Emphasizes ethical standards for genetic data, including informed consent and data transparency.
  1. ILO Convention No. 169 - Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention
  • Article 7: Recognizes indigenous peoples’ right to participate in health decisions affecting them.
  1. Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC)
  • Promotes transparency and public involvement in health, serving as a governance model.
  1. UN Declaration on the Protection of All Persons from Being Subjected to Torture
  • Prohibits any medical treatment without consent that causes severe suffering.
  1. Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health
  • Affirms the right to access essential medicines and public health protections.
  1. International Law Association’s Principles on the Accountability of International Organizations
  • Sets transparency and accountability standards for international health authorities.
  1. Organization of American States (OAS) Social Charter
  • Ensures the right to health and the duty of states to protect transparency in health.
  1. Caribbean Cooperation in Health (CCH)
  • Establishes public health standards, emphasizing access to health information.
  1. Regional Agreement on Access to Information, Public Participation and Justice in Environmental Matters (Escazú Agreement)
  • Emphasizes public rights to information and participation in health-related decisions.
  1. Geneva Protocol for the Prohibition of Biological Weapons
  • Protects against biological experimentation and misuse of biological agents.
  1. In addition to being grounded in international law, including international human rights law, the Global Principles complement the relevant United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the UNESCO Guidelines for the Governance of Digital Platforms, the United Nations Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity, the UNESCO Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence and the United Nations Strategy and Plan of Action on Hate Speech. The Global Principles offer a resource for United Nations Member States in their considerations towards A Pact for the Future and the Global Digital Compact.
Medical Misinformation and Censorship Must End
Undermining Public Trust
Censoring medical whistleblowers like Dr. Yeadon has damaged trust in healthcare institutions and government oversight. This prevents meaningful dialogue about pandemic response and vaccine safety.
Stifling Scientific Debate
Silencing dissenting medical opinions undermines scientific discourse and impedes our understanding of COVID-19. Open debate is essential for scientific progress.
Violating Fundamental Rights
Suppressing Dr. Yeadon's speech violates basic human rights and sets a dangerous precedent for academic and medical discourse.
Perpetuating Harm
Censoring legitimate concerns about vaccine safety prevents proper investigation of potential risks and leaves affected individuals without recourse.
Join the Free Speech Movement
Add your voice to the growing movement. Let's have Dr.Yeadon's back and demand redress NOW!
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Encourage others to join the fight against censorship and to stand up for our rights and stand up in defense of each other!
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